The Good, Bad, and Ugly
September 10, 2000
I enjoy any scenes with Jason and Liz. They are so good together. I like that Jason can talk to her with such ease. He is more outgoing when he is with her. I thought the fight scene was comical and when she was trying to get him to let her drive back to Kelly‘s.
“So you think I can steer? No, Elizabeth. What if I told you it makes me feel alive? I’d tell you to get your own motorcycle. Oh come on you act like I did really bad last time. We almost crashed the last time, didn’t we? Please................I always like Jason & Sonny’s heart to heart talks. I especially liked this weeks because they both found out how each feels about Carly.
“I love Carly, but I’m not in love with her and that’s always going to hurt her, until she realizes that she’s not in love with me either.”I Think it’s finally beginning to sink into that thick skull of Carly’s that there will never be a Jason & Carly. Jason sure tried his best to tell her and Sonny laid it on the line.
“Why do you want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with you? Of course he is just as hardheaded as she is. If they could both admit their true feelings this marriage of necessity could be a lot more. I think Sonny was trying to tell her that when she agreed to marry him. “Well I’ll take the one who’s in it for himself and I’ll marry you Sonny, for whatever that is worth” “It’s worth a lot” I know all you “Carly haters & Sonny lovers” out there are just cringing at the thought of this but I as far as I’m concerned sticking Carly with Jason would be a travesty.I’m glad Liz told Jason what’s going on with the “Port Chuck Squad” I know this might cause more problems for her and Lucky but his ego shouldn’t come first and I have a feeling they’re going to need all the help they can get.
This whole “plan” of the Port Chuck Squad. Now you just know something is going to go wrong. It’s just been too easy so far. Once again Lucky’s ego has taken over and he has gotten way too confident.
“They said it couldn’t be done” “Well, was I right or was I right?” “Ah, it’s a piece of cake” Ahhhhhhh yes a piece of cake and chances are someone is going to get burnt.It looks like Luke and Roy’s friendship is drifting apart. Sometimes Luke can be such a butt head. He calls Roy over to Russia to help him out and then does nothing but criticize his every move. Luke making the crack that the monkey had a better British accent then Roy. But Roy got his shot in too.
“Yeah I hate to break it to you pal, but you’re not the master of disguise.” “I mean I’ve seen more convincing trick or treat outfits.” Then Luke not wanting to trust Sonny. Remarking he’ll go with his instincts they’ve kept me out of jail so far. Again Roy let him know how he feels. “Although for what it’s worth being an FBI pawn for 20yrs. does teach you a couple of things. Luke: “Hey look J. Edgar if you don’t mind I’ll skip that course.” You skipped it the first time, why not?” Again Luke’s cavalier attitude to everything he did to Roy sucks . He acts like; So what? big deal. Like I said a real butthead sometimes.If I had been Sonny I think I would have kicked Mike’s butt out the door, literally. I can’t even stand to look at him anymore with his lame excuses, and what is this about taking care of it myself garbage?
“I should never have gambled, I allowed myself to get set up, but I was trying to take care of this one on my own.” Hello? On his own? That’s why he went to Carly, asked her to get the money from Sonny and lie to him on top of it.. Yeah Mike that’s taking care of it yourself. Like I said before he’s a despicable loser and a user and doesn’t deserve the time of day from Sonny. It’s like Sonny said “Nothing ever occurs to you but saving your own ass! But putting Carly’s life in danger I cannot forgive”Mac and Flea’s reunion .
”I just can’t rattle on (and she does rattle on and on) about the girls when I just want to tell you how much I miss you.” WHY BOB? Why are you doing this to us?Do the words torture and disgust mean anything to you? You know as a parting gift to us, that is if the rumors are true, Oh please, please let them be true. You could have let Mac and Flea get a divorce and make everyone happy. But noooo, that’s not part of your agenda right? Well new writers mean new story lines so we can only hope. What can I say Bob? You burst your own soap bubble so to speak. Sorry guys just couldn’t resist.
Once again Ajerk proved what an ass he is. When he confronted Jason in the bar. Jason tells him he better not hurt anyone he cares about. True to form, AJ comes back with:
“Do I still feel guilty about the accident that scrambled your brain? “Is there any microscopic shred of love left for my golden brother? “But hey after seeing you now the answers are crystal clear. One no, two, I simply hate your guts.” Looks like Bob is turning yet another character into someone unredeemable. But maybe there’s a chance for AJ since it looks like a certain head writer has finally decided to do the right thing by all us GH fans. I hope my celebrating isn’t premature, I don’t think my heart could take it.
Till next week, when I hope we really have cause for celebration have a good one. As always any comments and or advice yadda yadda yadda you guys know the drill. :-)
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