The Good, Bad, and Ugly
September 17, 2000
See? A dealer/kidnapper with a heart.
Well even though there seems to be a small glitch in the marriage between Sonny & Carly at the moment they have come to a better understanding of one another.
“Will you admit that not everything I did was a total mistake?” Sonny: “Yes” “You promise to stop acting like I’m not here?” Sonny: “Yes” “Will you let me do something about reupholstering this couch? Sonny: “Is it a deal or not?” “Ok it’s a deal” Sonny: “Deal” Both of them are so hardheaded that they can’t come right out and admit how they really feel about one another. Carly did somewhat “The truth is if you go to jail Michael would be really upset and it would upset me too. “I worry about you locked up, you don’t deserve that” Now if Sonny would only admit his feelings they could stand a chance.Like I said before I love to watch Luke and Roy together they are so entertaining. Whoever writes for them is good I kind of hope it wasn’t Bob, if you all know what I mean. Like when Luke was making fun of Roy’s British accent and Roy saying
“There’s nothing wrong with my accent it’s your cockamamie plan” Luke: “Cockamamie?” Yes cockamamie it’s a dumb word for a dumb plan.” Roy knows better but of course Luke won’t listen and as we now know he should have.Jason seemed to really glad to see Monica. He seems to be warming up to her more and more. I also enjoyed Edward admitting to Lila how much he really misses Em, her crazy clothes and loud music and how she just brightens up the place. The old coot has a heart we’ve always known that.
This whole Mac/Flea reunion is making my head hurt. What in the *ell is wrong with Mac? The fact that she didn’t answer him when he asked her if she was in love with luke should have been his first clue. Don’t you just love the way she got around that one by telling him,
“I love you I’m not going anywhere Mac, I’m for keeps” Yeah, yeah, yeah, when have we heard that before? I wonder how eager Mac would be to get back together with her if she had admitted sleeping with Luke. But then again that would involve honesty and we all know how the Flea feels about that.You know I never knew anyone that could contradict themselves more then Boobie does. One minute she is telling Carly what a bad idea it is to marry someone who she doesn’t love, and in the next breath she’s telling her how much Sonny really is always there for her and cares about her. Please Boobie giving advice about marriage? A four time loser in that department. Excuse me while I pick myself up off the floor from laughing so hard.
Well like I said earlier we knew Roy was right...”
But you be careful in the bank man, because you’re the only one who thinks you’re good at disguise.” But Luke being Luke and his ego getting in the way of common sense, wouldn’t listen and as a result....”Interpol, Luke Spencer you are under arrest.” Yep Luke you know best. Well we know he’ll get out of this mess somehow, but maybe he’ll be willing to listen to somebody’s else’s advice next time. Yeah right, what am I thinking? This is Luke we’re talking about. We wonder why Lucky is so hardheaded.THE UGLY |
It is despicable that Stefan is letting Nik think he is dead, that goes without saying. But to withold medication from Chloe that would help her get well is absolutely
unforgivable. No, I haven't become a fan by any means but even Chloe doesn't deserve this. It is so pitiful that she doesn't have a clue about him and is falling right into his trap.
“Right now I’m going to relax and take a nap and hope that provides us with some useful information” Oh Chloe if you only knew. What gets me is she can tell that they are in the Mediterranean by the color of blue the water is, but she’s not the least suspicious of Stefan, or why he doesn’t seem to be as eager as her to get off this island. What’s wrong with this picture? Well at least she’s not going around trying to make the island smile.I DON’T KNOW ABOUT THIS ONE |
Well that’s it for this week guys as always any comments are welcome and until next week take care all.
As an added note I want to wish Bob good luck in whatever he chooses to do. I have read in the past couple of weeks that a lot of the storylines that he really wanted to do were vetoed by the network higher ups and he felt frustrated and that’s why he quit. Maybe that is so and that is true maybe we would have really liked some of those storylines. If that is the case I apologize to Mr. Guza (yes, I said apologize) for being so critical of his work. To his credit he did write some good storylines and did have a hand in getting GH some of those Emmys. So again I say good luck Bob, wherever you go and I wish you the best. See I can be nice when I want to be.